joi, 30 septembrie 2010

A fost descoperită o planetă cu atmosferă şi gravitaţie FOTO ŞI VIDEO

- Planeta extra-solară "potenţial locuibilă", Gliese 581 g, este de aproape trei ori mai mare decât Terra. În urmă cu trei ani, specialiştii NASA spuneau că există o planetp asemănătoare tot pe Calea Lactee. Detalii:

- Planeta X/Nibiru/Eris este una dintre planetele care orbiteaza Sistemul Gliese 581... reprezinta legatura dintre Sistemul nostru Solar si Sistemul Gliese 581:

* Fratele geaman al Terrei va fi descoperit anul acesta... "Avatar" demonstreaza existenta extraterestrilor de pe planeta Nibiru pe Pamant... "Pandora" din filmul "Avatar" poate exista in Univers!:
* Pulsul Pamantului, o data la 10 milioane de ani... Vulcanii activi de pe Glob par sa fie interconectati si pulseaza impreuna... National Geographic News (19 noiembrie 2008): prezenta unui MISTERIOS OBIECT ASTROFIZIC care bombardeaza Pamantul cu raze cosmice... NASA recunoaste existenta planetei X:
* Casa Alba: scoatem "incalzirea globala", introducem "intreruperea climei globale"... Curentul Golfului si-a incetat miscarea nord-Atlantica... Vine cea mai grea iarna din ultimul mileniu... Expertii polonezi estimeaza ca, in 2010-2011, Europa s-ar putea confrunta cu cea mai severa iarna din ultimul mileniu:
* Furtuna Solara - Potrivit astronomilor de la NASA, unda de soc care ar urma sa loveasca Pamantul in 2012 sau 2013 va avea forta a 100 de milioane de bombe cu hidrogen... Ne va lovi un asteroid? Astronautii se pregatesc pentru el... Încălzirea globală apare şi pe Marte şi pe alte planete:

miercuri, 29 septembrie 2010

Planet X - Odds of Life on Newfound Earth-Size Planet '100 Percent,' Astronomer Say

- An Earth-size planet has been spotted orbiting a nearby star at a distance that would makes it not too hot and not too cold — comfortable enough for life to exist, researchers announced today (Sept. 29).
If confirmed, the exoplanet, named Gliese 581g, would be the first Earth-like world found residing in a star's habitable zone — a region where a planet's temperature could sustain liquid water on its surface. Full story:

* Planet X/Eris/Nibiru is one of many Planets that orbit a dark star or (Brown Dwarf). This Dark Star (Gliese 581) has five minor planets, the sixth an Earth-sized Homeworld, and the seventh the planet or object we call Nibiru... it is the physical link or "ferry" between our solar system and the Dark Star (Gliese 581) system. Full story:
* There is a high probability that a real, still unknown planet located at the border of our solar system we are now looking in places that we have not looked before, and I think we will be able to see the planet within the next five or ten years, researchers said. Full story:
* Modern Science and the Ancient Writings on the Genesis of the Solar System:
EARTH'S PULSE FELT AT HOT SPOTS... Enigmatic volcanic hot spots around the world might be pulsating together -- like a great planetary heartbeat -- at the rates of five and 10 million years, say researchers from Norway, Hawaii and Australia... National Geographic (November 19, 2008): "High-energy electrons captured over Antarctica could reveal the presence of a nearby butMYSTERIOUS ASTROPHYSICAL OBJECT that's bombarding Earth with cosmic rays, researchers say":
* Millions at risk from Arctic flood warns minister - Almost a billion people could face disaster from rising sea levels caused by melting Arctic ice, President of the Russian Geographical Society and Russian Emergencies Minister Sergey Shoigu warned... White House solves the problem of global warming overnight... by officially changing the phrase to 'global climate disruption'... Life on this Earth Just Changed: The North Atlantic Current is Gone...FOXNews: 30 Years of Global Cooling Are Coming, Leading Scientist Says... National Geographic (December 24, 2009): North Magnetic Pole Moving East Due to Core Flux... PENTAGON: GLOBAL WARMING might suddenly trigger a massive GLOBAL COOLING...THE PENTAGON WARNS CLIMATE CHANGE WILL BRING GLOBAL CATASTROPHE... Now the PENTAGON TELLS BUSH (, 22 February 2004): climate change will destroy us... BRITAIN WILL BE 'SIBERIAN' in less than 20 years:
NASA: Sun's Nemesis Pelted Earth with Comets, Study Suggests...

CBS News: Jupiter Hit by Large Object, NASA Says...Californian Congressman for Planet X Forsight - The Sky is Falling:

marți, 28 septembrie 2010

'Lost' Footage of First Moonwalk to Screen in Australia

- A screening of long-lost tapes from the Apollo 11 mission – including footage of Neil Armstrong's iconic descent from the lunar module to the surface of the moon – will take place in Australia next week, according to news reports. Full story:

Filmul original al misiunii Apollo 11, restaurat (Video)

- Un film de doar cateva minute cu primele momente ale aselenizarii modulului spatial Apollo 11 pe Luna a fost gasit si restaurat si va fi prezentat publicului la Sydney, Australia, incepand cu 6 octombrie 2010. Detalii:

* VIDEO: O clădire ciudată de pe Lună, fotografiată cu telescopul...Cercetatorii indieni detecteaza viata pe Luna... Fotografii secrete atesta teoria conspiratiei? (FOTO)… Oamenii de stiintă au observat pentru prima oară o mini magnetosferă pe Lună, care protejează o zonă redusă de radiatiile solare... Arca Apocalipsei va fi amplasata pe Luna:

Potentially hazardous '2010 ST3' asteroid 'will miss earth'

- Scientists at the University of Hawaii believe the potentially hazardous '2010 ST3' asteroid will come within 4 million miles of the planet Earth. Full story:

* Colombia confirms 'giant fire ball' a meteorite... 2 Asteroids to Pass Earth Closer Than the Moon... Cdn and American astronauts want world to start getting ready for asteroids... Our terrifyingly crowded solar system: New video reveals just how many asteroids are out there...

Another Flash on Jupiter!...

CBS News: Jupiter Hit by Large Object, NASA Says...Californian Congressman for Planet X Forsight - The Sky is Falling...Stephen Hawking: "Asteroid Impacts Biggest Threat to Intelligent Life in the Galaxy... Military Hush-Up: Incoming Space Rocks Now Classified... EXPERTS CALL FOR GLOBAL NETWORK TO PREVENT ASTEROID DISASTERS...

Astronomii au descoperit un asteroid "potenţial periculos" cu o lună înainte să treacă pe lângă noi

- Astronomii au observat un asteroid "potenţial periculos" cu doar o lună înainte să treacă pe lângă Terra. Obiectul, cu numele "2010 ST3", are 150m diametru şi va trece la 6 milioane de km apropiere de Pământ la jumătatea lunii octombrie. Detalii:

* Imagini terifiante ale asteroizilor care ameninta Terra (FOTO/VIDEO)... Astronautii canadienii si americanii incep sa puna in aplicare planurile de salvare a planetei....Planeta Jupiter a fost lovită de un asteroid. Energia de impact e similară cu a câtorva mii de bombe atomice!... Columbia: Un meteorit a facut un crater de 100 m diametru:

Ofiţeri americani: Armata SUA, sabotată de extratereştri (VIDEO)

- Armata americană a fost sabotată de extratereştri! Sunt dezvăluirile incredibile ale mai multor ofiţeri americani, care susţin că OZN-urile le-au monitorizat bazele aeriene şi au dezactivat chiar rachetele nucleare. Şase ofiţeri americani în rezervă au susţinut o conferinţă de presă prin care au încercat să demostreze existenţa extratereştrilor, dar şi complicitatea guvernului american. Detalii:

- CNN (Video): Conferinta de Presa a ofiterilor Americani (1 ora si 11 minute):

luni, 27 septembrie 2010

VIDEO: Air Force officers discuss UFO sightings at National Press Club

- Strange but interesting. Air Force officers discuss UFO sightings in a press conference at the National Press Club. From what I can gather, most of the Air Force officers participating are retired. I have no clue who is sponsoring this press conference. Full story:

* Giant Spaceships Heading Towards Earth ?... Dying soldier admits seeing ET from Roswell UFO crash...(VIDEO): Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell: The UFO crash in Roswell Dr. Edgar Mitchell... APOLLO ASTRONAUTS SPEAKS ON UFO... VIDEO:TOP SECRET UFO NASA TAPES... New French aerospace report endorses reality of UFOs...Academician: Aliens exist, but also have weaknesses... China: Prepare for more UFO sightings... UFO disrupts air traffic in east China...VIDEO: Aliens caught on tape in China....Pravda: Extraterrestrial Spaceships Land and Crash on Earth Regularly...VIDEO: Aliens in the NASA Archives... UFO Disclosure 2010: The Vatican's Key Role... Pope's star watcher to visit Nasa (12th February 2009) and talk aliens:
* United Nations to appoint space ambassador to act as first contact for aliens visiting Earth... SECRET UN MEETINGS ON ET LIFE CONTINUE... They are Here!...Astronauts of Antiquity (in a parallel universe)...The Large Hadron Collider Could Prove the Existence of a Parallel Universe...FILM (History Channel): Ancient Aliens (2009)...FILM (National Geographic): Is it Real? - Ancient Astronauts...Origin of the Species, From an Alien View - Zecharia Sitchin...CNN: UFO Disclosure Wanted by High Ranking Officials... US Government to admit UFO visitation is real in 2010:

Ambasador ONU pentru intampinarea extraterestrilor (video)

- Un ambasador ar putea fi desemnat de ONUpentru a stabili primul contact cu extraterestrii care ar incerca sa contacteze Pamantul.
Mazlan Othman, un astrofizician malaezian, a fost desemnat pentru a coordona raspunsul omenirii daca si cand extraterestrii ne vor contacta, scrie The Telegraph. Detalii: