luni, 30 noiembrie 2009

Drowned cities: Myths and secrets of the deep

The idea that great cities, rich in forgotten knowledge and treasure, lie hidden beneath the sea holds immense appeal. Scarcely a year goes by without someone claiming to have found Atlantis. But what's really out there under the waves? Full story:

* FILM (Nat. Geogr.): ATLANTIDA (subtitrare romana)...
- National Geographic: Japan's Ancient Underwater "Pyramid" Mystifies Scholars...

Russian doctors fear swine flu might mix with bird flu

Russian doctors fear that a new flu virus might appear as a result of reassortment between the swine flu and bird flu viruses, Russia's chief sanitary official said on Monday. Full story:

* China expert warns of pandemic flu mutation:

A fost descoperit vaccinul impotriva cancerului

Un vaccin inovator impotriva cancerului, sub forma unui implant plastic introdus sub piele, poate distruge tumorile canceroase prin instruirea sistemului imunitar pentru a ataca si ucide celulele maligne, potrivit cercetatorilor de la Unversitatea Harvard. Detalii:

Exista si cazuri in care bolnavii de cancer s-au vindecat in mod misterios, iar medicii nu au nicio explicatie... Efectul placebo - miracolele mintii...
- FILM: Bruce Lipton - The New Biology - Where Mind and Matter Meet (Unde Mintea si Materia se Intilnesc - subtitrare in romana):

duminică, 29 noiembrie 2009

FILM: Evolution : Fact or Belief

Is the Theory of Evolution a scientific fact or a mere belief? This is the only question this documentary seeks to answer. Five world top scientific minds give their answer on Evolution. A ground breaking video sold all around the world, award winning international documentary, now available for all to see:

10 Ways Darwin Got It Wrong:
* FILM: Bruce Lipton - The New Biology - Where Mind and Matter Meet (subtitrare in romana):
* FILM: Darwin (English) - Prabusirea teoriei evolutioniste (subtitrare romana):

Report: Russia vows quick completion of Iran atom plant

Russian energy minister quoted as saying Moscow will complete Islamic republic's first nuclear power station 'at the earliest possible time'. Full story:,7340,L-3812581,00.html

Russia 'will' deliver S-300 to Iran in 2 months... Israel may attack Iran after December'... Vanga predicted break out of Third World War in 2010... The Nostradamus Code:World War III (2009-2012)... The Bible and the Third World War - the 1000 Year Kingdom:
* Israelul se pregateste de catastrofa... Clarvazatoarea Vanga: 2010 - Al Treilea Razboi Mondial... Codul lui Nostradamus: Al Treilea Razboi Mondial (2009-2012)... Biblia si Al Treilea Razboi Mondial - Imparatia de 1000 de ani:

sâmbătă, 28 noiembrie 2009

Russia 'will' deliver S-300 to Iran in 2 months

Russia has ensured that it will honor a deal providing Iran with the S-300 sophisticated anti-aircraft system, Tehran's envoy to Moscow says. Full story:

Israel may attack Iran after December'... Vanga predicted break out of Third World War in 2010... The Nostradamus Code:World War III (2009-2012)... The Bible and the Third World War - the 1000 Year Kingdom:

China expert warns of pandemic flu mutation

HONG KONG (Reuters) - China must be alert to any mutation or changes in the behavior of the H1N1 swine flu virus because the far deadlier H5N1 bird flu virus is endemic in the country, a leading Chinese disease expert said. Full story:

* RUSSIA TODAY: "Mutant Black Lung Virus":

vineri, 27 noiembrie 2009

Al Gore Sued By Over 30,000 Scientists For Global Warming Fraud

- Youtube - FoxNews - The Founder of the Weather Channel, Along With 30,000 other scientists, Are Suing Al Gore For Global Warming Fraud:

Al Gore Flees in Panic from Chicago Book Signing
- Not since Henry Kissinger fled a team of LaRouche organizers, in the back of a delivery truck in New York City’s Central Park in the early 1980s, has an obese fascist moved so fast to escape an angry crowd, as Al Gore did today in Chicago:

* FOXNews: Weather Channel Founder: Sue Al Gore for Fraud - The founder of the Weather Channel wants to sue Al Gore for fraud, hoping a legal debate will settle the global-warming debate once and for all... "The compound carbon dioxide makes up only 38 out of every 100,000 particles in the atmosphere", he said:
* Global Warming: Two sides of mass-deception... THE GLOBAL WARMING MYTH- Prof David Bellamy... Global Warming, the War on Terrorism, and the Extraterrestrial link to "Planet X":
* Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’?:
- NASA’s Latest Discovery: SUN HEATS THE EARTH (American Thincker, June 05, 2009) - Robert Calahan at NASA’s Goddard Space Center could be in big trouble -- for telling the truth. Here is a headline for an article in the Daily Tech: "NASA Study Acknowledges Solar Cycle, Not Man, Responsible for Past Warming"... World's Largest Science Group Rejecting Man-Made Climate Fears...
- Pentagon/NASA: Global Warming/Global Cooling... THE PENTAGON WARNS CLIMATE CHANGE WILL BRING GLOBAL CATASTROPHE... Now the Pentagon tells Bush (, 22 February 2004): climate change will destroy us... Britain will be 'Siberian' in less than 20 years:

Evidence of life on Mars lurks beneath surface of meteorite, Nasa experts claim

Nasa scientists have produced the most compelling evidence yet that bacterial life exists on Mars. Full story:

* Huge ocean found on Mars:

NASA: Un meteorit marţian a adus viaţa pe Pământ

E foarte posibil ca marţienii să fi aterizat deja pe Terra, chiar dacă într-o formă microscopică şi acum multă vreme. O echipă NASA a evidenţiat faptul că o serie de structuri microscopice găsite pe controversatul meteorit Allen Hills, care a lovit Pământul acum 13.000 de ani, sunt aproape sigur bacterii fosilizate, relatează Oficialii NASA urmează să facă publice noile rezultate peste câteva zile. Detalii:

* NASA: Element esenţial vieţii, descoperit într-o cometă... Francis Crick, laureat al premiului Nobel pentru descoperirea ADN-ului, în lucrarea „Viata însasi, originea si natura ei” a afirmat ca „viata pe Pamânt a fost adusa aici de microorganisme de pe alta planeta indepartata, microorganismele calatorind in corpul unei nave spatiale trimise pe Pamânt de o civilizatie superioara, care s-a dezvoltat in alta parte, cu citeva miliarde de ani in urma”... Fosile enigmatice... Procesul lui Darwin... Descrierile antice ale genezei sistemului solar confirmate de stiinta:

Extraterestrii exista, iar bulgarii iau legatura cu ei

Extraterestrii se afla deja pe Pamant, iar guvernul bulgar a intrat in contact cu ei, sustin cercetatorii din tara vecina. Detalii:

* Ei sunt aici!... Astronautii Antichitatii:
- FILM (History Channel): Ancient Aliens (2009)
- FILM (National Geographic): Is it Real? - Ancient Astronauts (subtitrare romana)
- FILM (National Geographic / Discovery Science): Bermuda Triangle (subtitrare romana):
* Vaticanul încorporează extratereştrii în planul divin... FILM: Biblia si OZN-urile:

miercuri, 25 noiembrie 2009

Supervolcano Eruption In Sumatra Deforested India 73,000 Years Ago

ScienceDaily (Nov. 24, 2009) — A new study provides "incontrovertible evidence" that the volcanic super-eruption of Toba on the island of Sumatra about 73,000 years ago deforested much of central India, some 3,000 miles from the epicenter, researchers report. Full story:

* National Geographic News... Worst Volcanoes Even More Dangerous Than Feared...
- Associated Press about 3,600 Years Ago Natural Disasters...
- I.Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision - Planet X - Volcanoes activation, 3600 years ago: ”The Japanese cosmogony says that the source of the light disappeared…Mayas documents are describing a cosmic cataclysm during which the ocean hit the continent…Volcanic explosions…The Earth exploded and the lava started to spread around…":

Supervulcanul care a defrisat India

Un nou studiu vine cu o concluzie terifianta pentru cei care se tem de izbucnirea periodica a supervulcanilor care pot schimba la propriu infatisarea Terrei. Conform unei echipe de geologi australieni, acum 73.000 de ani, eruptia unui supervulcan din insula Java a fost atat de puternica incat suflul sau a distrus toti copacii de pe subcontinentul indian. Detalii:

* Descopera: Gazele toxice – cauza celei mai mari extinctii din istorie... I. Velikovsky, Ciocnirea Lumilor - Planeta X - Acum 3600 de ani: " Traditiile multor popoare relateaza ca suprafata Pamantului a intrat in fuziune, si marea a inceput sa fiarba. Pamantul a explodat si lava s-a raspandit...":

marți, 24 noiembrie 2009

Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’?

Well this story as you know has been around since Thursday last week, it has been across AP who have verified these emails are legitimate but have you seen it on you National/International News channel? What a whitewash and such a failure of the MainStreamNews. Are they in on this whole scandal? Full story:

* CLIMATE BOMBSHELL: Hacker leaks thousands of emails showing conspiracy to “hide” the real data on manmade climate change:

Huge ocean found on Mars

Mars once had an enormous ocean covering most of its northern hemisphere, scientists claimed yesterday. Full story:

* CNN: 'Airplane view' of Mars yields stunning images... We may know Mars as the Red Planet, but many of the HiRise images are studies in blue... Nat.Geographic: Liquid Water Recently Seen on Mars?... The Guardian: It's snowing on Mars:

Ocean pe planeta Marte

O noua harta detaliata a planetei Marte arata ca a existat un ocean in jurul ecuatorului, ceea ce demonstreaza ca Marte a avut un climat ploios, se afirma intr-un studiu publicat luni. Detalii:

* NASA: Mii de imagini spectaculoase de pe Marte... Apa lichida pe Marte... The Guardian (27 ianuarie 2009) - Pe Marte ninge... NASA ascunde adevarata culoare a Planetei Marte... 17 iunie 2009 - Insciences Organisation - Pentru prima data au fost evidentiate descarcari electrice pe Marte, sustin cercetatorii de la Universitatea din Michigan (SUA):

luni, 23 noiembrie 2009

Documente secrete arata ca incalzirea globala este o manipulare

Mii de e-mail-uri si documente secrete care contrazic schimbarile climatice si incalzirea globala au fost postate pe Internet.
Documentele au fost furate din calculatoarele unui centru de cercetare din Marea Britanie si arata ca autoritatile au incercat sa manipuleze opinia publica pentru a o convinge ca schimbarile climatice sunt mult mai grave, informeaza Associated Press. Detalii:

* Pentagonul l-a avertizat pe George W. Bush (The Guardian, 22 Februarie 2004): "In mai putin de 20 de ani Marea Britanie va fi precum Siberia"...
- Pentagon/NASA: Incalzire Globala/Racire Globala... Ultima era glaciara a venit in doar sase luni...
- Un recent studiu NASA (publicat in iunie 2009) recunoaste ca o Cauza Externa - Soarele - nu omul, este responsabil pentru incalzirea planetei: Robert Calahan de la Goddard NASA Space Center ar putea fi in pericol mare pentru ca spune adevarul. Aici este un titlu pentru un articol din Daily Tech: " Studiul NASA recunoaste Ciclul Solar responsabil pentru perioadele calde din trecut, iar nu omul.":
* EcoMagazin: Incalzirea globala, o minciuna convenabila... Al Gore dat in judecata pentru frauda: Fondatorul "The Wheather Channel", John Coleman,ii va actiona in judecata pe cei care sustin ca temperatura planetei este in continua crestere ca urmare a emisiilor de dioxid de carbon, incluzandu-l aici si pe castigatorul premiului Nobel pentru Pace din 2007, Al Gore...Componentele de dioxid de carbon sunt prezente intr-o proportie minoritara: doar 38 la fiecare 100 000 de particule care ajung in atmosfera:

Bulgarian Academy Scientists Reported to Be in Touch with Aliens

Scientists from the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) have been reported to be in touch with extraterrestrial beings. Full story:

* UFO disclosure by Obama, The Pope and The UK on its way?:
* When E.T. phones the pope:

sâmbătă, 21 noiembrie 2009

CLIMATE BOMBSHELL: Hacker leaks thousands of emails showing conspiracy to “hide” the real data on manmade climate change

A hacker has leaked thousands of emails and documents from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University that appear to show how climate change data was fudged and the peer review process skewed to favor the manmade climate change hypothesis. Full story:

- (21 Nov 2009):
Climate scientists accused of 'manipulating global warming data':

* NASA’s Latest Discovery: SUN HEATS THE EARTH (American Thincker, June 05, 2009) - Robert Calahan at NASA’s Goddard Space Center could be in big trouble -- for telling the truth. Here is a headline for an article in the Daily Tech: "NASA Study Acknowledges Solar Cycle, Not Man, Responsible for Past Warming"... World's Largest Science Group Rejecting Man-Made Climate Fears:
* Pentagon/NASA: Incalzire Globala/Racire Globala:

vineri, 20 noiembrie 2009

FILM: 2012 (2009) - subtitrare romana

FILM: 2012 (2009) - subtitrare romana:

* FILM: Nostradamus: 2012 (2009) - subtitrare romana:
* FILM: Knowing (2009) / Numere Fatale - subtitrare romana:

* 2012, Hollywood, The Pentagon and NASA: 'When Worlds Collide'... PENTAGON: GLOBAL WARMING might suddenly trigger a massive GLOBAL COOLING... THE PENTAGON WARNS CLIMATE CHANGE WILL BRING GLOBAL CATASTROPHE... Now the PENTAGON TELLS BUSH (, 22 February 2004): climate change will destroy us... BRITAIN WILL BE 'SIBERIAN' in less than 20 years:
Pentagonul l-a avertizat pe George W. Bush (The Guardian, 22 Februarie 2004): "In mai putin de 20 de ani Marea Britanie va fi precum Siberia"... Filmul „The Day After Tomorrow” a avut premiera in mai 2004. Nici filmul '2012' nu e intimplator. Acelasi regizor, aceleasi Surse de Informatii:
* COPENHAGA - CONFERINTA PENTRU CLIMA: SCENARIUL FILMULUI “2012” S-AR PUTEA ADEVERI... ne putem astepta la ruperi majore ale straturilor de gheata din Groenlanda si la topirea masiva a unor parti din banchizele Antarctici...
- Supervulcanul Yellowstone (eruptie catastrofala in film!) se activeaza (ScienceDaily - Dec. 14, 2009)...
- CERCETATORII AU DESCOPERIT CEA MAI MARE GAURA DIN CAMPUL MAGNETIC AL PAMANTULUI.... apogeul acesteia se va inregistra in jurul anului 2012...
- LIVE SCIENCE (7 ianuarie 2009) - NASA, Academia Nationala de Stiinte (SUA): Furtuna Solara Catastrofala in 2012...
- CNN - In trei ani se vor construi orase plutitoare... BUNKERELE DIN NORVEGIA SI PLANETA X (Scrisoarea unui politician norvegian)...
- Fizicianul Dr. Michio Kaku la Fox News oferind informatii referitoare la o furtuna solara cu un maxim in anul 2012:
* THE BOOK PLANET ERIS AND THE GLOBAL WARMING - CARTEA PLANETA ERIS SI INCALZIREA GLOBALA ( Eugen Evu, membru al Uniunii Scriitorilor, comenteaza cartea):

Conspiraţii celebre (17): Arma seismică

Oamenii au avut întotdeauna o înclinaţie către conspiraţii, iar civilizaţia umană nu a dus lipsă de incidente neelucidate în ultima sută de ani. REALITATEA.NET vă aduce o colecţie a celor mai cunoscute şi dezbătute teorii conspiraţioniste. Existenţa armelor seismice nu a fost niciodată confirmată, o mare parte din comunitatea ştiinţifică spunând că omul nici măcar nu poate spera încă că poate influneţeze mecanismele interne ale planetei. Fum fără foc nu se poate, în lume circulând deja foarte multe zvonuri cu privire la asemenea arme. Detalii:

Conspiratii celebre (9): Extraterestrii sint peste tot dar guvernele tac din gura:
* Conspiraţii celebre (8): Misterele Triunghiului Bermudelor:
* Conspiraţii celebre (5): Romania şantajată pentru a ascunde secretele Bucegilor:

Acceleratorul de particule de la CERN reporneşte astăzi

După ce câteva fărâmituri de pâine au tras pe linie moartă la începutul lunii LHC-ul, cercetătorii speră să-l repună în funcţiune după mai bine de un an de reparaţii şi întârzieri. Detalii:

* Imensa pana de curent care a lovit America de Sud (10 noiembrie 2009) ... a fost cauzata de un "Flux de Timp", care a emanat de la misterioasa "Piatra a Soarelui" (10 tone, Muntii Anzi, Bolivia) - monolit sculptat dintr-un singur bloc de granit - si a fost declansata de un eveniment "anormal" produs la cel mai mare accelerator de particule Large Hadron Collider (LHC), în Elvetia. Acest "Flux al Timpului" a activat anumite structuri stravechi din miile de complexe de piramide antice situate in Brazilia si alte tari din America de Sud:

Misterul pietrelor calatoare din Valea Mortii

Valea Mortii din California este cea mai joasa, mai uscata si mai fierbinte locatie de pe continentul nord-american. Arsita este mistuitoare si totul este dominat de o liniste stranie, apasatoare. Si totusi, in acest decor ce pare incremenit, niste pietre de peste 100 de kilograme prind parca viata, calatorind in voie prin desert, cu "pasi" mai mici sau mai mari, in linie dreapta sau in zig-zag. Miscarea lor contrariaza de ani buni lumea stiintifica, incapabila inca sa patrunda tainele acestui fenomen uluitor si fascinant deopotriva. Detalii:

Rocile de pe Marte se plimbă: La început, modalitatea de organizare a pietrelor de pe Marte prin nisip părea foarte simplă şi chiar intuitivă... Andrew Leier, asistent de geofizică la Universitatea din California, a început să le observe... a descoperit că tot ce ştia el până atunci... nu se aplică:

joi, 19 noiembrie 2009

Meteor illuminates the Utah sky

A meteor briefly illuminated parts of the sky in Utah to daylight-level on Wednesday. Full story:

* Stephen Hawking: "Asteroid Impacts Biggest Threat to Intelligent Life in the Galaxy... Californian Congressman for Planet X Forsight... EXPERTS CALL FOR GLOBAL NETWORK TO PREVENT ASTEROID DISASTERS:

"Minge de foc" pe cerul SUA (Video)

O uriaşă "minge de foc" a brăzdat cerul in apropierea Universităţii Utah din Statele Unite... Puternica lumină a fost provocata de un meteorit, potrivit lui Patrick Wiggins, un cercetător al NASA. Detalii:

* COTIDIANUL: Congresul SUA se teme de asteroizi - Parlamentarii americani acuza NASA, pe un ton alarmant, ca se ocupa prea putin de monitorizarea asteroizilor ce ar putea lovi Pamintul... "Vorbim de o cheltuiala minima in comparatie cu costul unei astfel de pagube. Pina la urma, poate fi distrusa chiar intreaga planeta", a declarat congresmanul republican Dana Rohrabacher:
* Stephen Hawking: "Asteroid Impacts Biggest Threat to Intelligent Life in the Galaxy... Californian Congressman for Planet X Forsight... EXPERTS CALL FOR GLOBAL NETWORK TO PREVENT ASTEROID DISASTERS:

Brain Waves Surge Moments Before Death

A study of seven terminally ill patients found identical surges in brain activity moments before death, providing what may be physiological evidence of "out of body" experiences reported by people who survive near-death ordeals. Full story:

* Out of your head: Leaving the body behind:

Dovezi fiziologice ale experientelor in afara corpului

In timp ce o echipa de medici americani anunta ca a fotografiat momentul in care sufletul paraseste trupul, altii au dezvaluit ca au gasit dovezi care sa sustina existenta experientelor in afara corpului. Detalii:

* Out of your head: Leaving the body behind:

RUSSIA TODAY: "Mutant Black Lung Virus"

RUSSIA TODAY: "Mutant Black Lung Virus"... British scientists suspect that swine flu virus has mutated in Ukraine. Some doctors say that flu in the country has shown unprecedented symptoms, creating the effect of burnt lungs, the Daily Mail reports:

Ukraine Black Lung Epidemic Kills 12 In A Single Day
The mysterious Ukrainian mutant flu we reported on earlier is now in full swing as eastern Europe buckles down for its potential spread into neighboring countries. Full story:

* Virusul gripal din Ucraina ar putea fi unul mutant, plămanii victimelor arată ca arşi:

miercuri, 18 noiembrie 2009

NASA's Wise Eye Gets Ready To Survey the Whole Sky

WASHINGTON, Nov. 17 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or Wise, is chilled out, sporting a sunshade and getting ready to roll. NASA's newest spacecraft is scheduled to roll to the pad on Friday, Nov. 20, its last stop before launching into space to survey the entire sky in infrared light. Full story:

* NASA: Dawn now permanently in asteroid belt - PASADENA, Calif., Nov. 16 (UPI) -- NASA's Dawn spacecraft has become the first human-made object to permanently remain in the solar system's asteroid belt
* FILM: 2012... FILM: NOSTRADAMUS 2012:
* The ESA-NASA Ulysses Probe and Planet X / Nibiru... European Space Agency - Planet X - Follow The Money:
* Californian Congressman for Planet X Forsight... As Planet X approaches our galaxy, its gravitational pull will interact with these NEOs in potentially disastrous ways for our planet.
The Sky is Falling: the deadly threat posed by Near Earth Objects and what we can do about it

NASA: Dawn now permanently in asteroid belt

PASADENA, Calif., Nov. 16 (UPI) -- NASA's Dawn spacecraft has become the first human-made object to permanently remain in the solar system's asteroid belt. Full story:

Professor M. Brown (details also on, January 21, 2007) has declared that the planet 2003 – EL – 61 can undergo the attraction of Neptune, transforming itself into the brightest comet ever seen, at least 6000 times brighter than the comet Halle Boop...
Planet X / Eris / Nibiru is expected to pass between Mars and Jupiter its nearest point to Earth during 2012 – 2014. This is the main reason why NASA had launched the Dawn spacecraft on 27 september 2007, which will arrive at its destination, the Asteroid Belt, in 2011:
Astronauts of Antiquity... Zecharia Sitchin, The Twelfth Planet: "This drawing on a Sumerian plate suggests that an Anunnaki spaceship is connected to the base on Earth.'The central object … it is more mechanical, more manufactured than natural.Its ( wings ) looks almost exactly like the solar panels which American spacecraft are provided to convert the Sun's energy to electricity. The two antennas cannot be mistaken. The circular craft … is located between Mars (the six - pointed star) and Earth and its Moon":
* FILM: 2012... FILM: NOSTRADAMUS 2012:

luni, 16 noiembrie 2009

Ultima era glaciara a venit in doar sase luni

Potrivit unor noi studii, ultima era glaciara si-a intrat in drepturi in doar sase luni, rastimp care s-a dovedit suficient pentru ca insorita si calda Europa sa fie acoperita de gheata. Noile descoperiri le contrazic pe cele anterioare, care sugerau ca ultima era glaciara, care s-a produs in urma cu aproximativ 13.000 de ani, a sosit intr-un rastimp de circa un deceniu. Detalii:

* Pentagonul l-a avertizat pe George W. Bush (The Guardian, 22 Februarie 2004): "In mai putin de 20 de ani Marea Britanie va fi precum Siberia"... Pentagon/NASA: Incalzire Globala/Racire Globala:

Climate change catastrophe took just months

Six months is all it took to flip Europe’s climate from warm and sunny into the last ice age, researchers have found.
They have discovered that the northern hemisphere was plunged into a big freeze 12,800 years ago by a sudden slowdown of the Gulf Stream that allowed ice to spread hundreds of miles southwards from the Arctic. Full story:

* Pentagon/NASA: Global Warming/Global Cooling... Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us... Secret report warns of rioting and nuclear war... Britain will be 'Siberian' in less than 20 years... Threat to the world is greater than terrorism:

Oamenii evoluează deşi li se micşorează creierele

Tot mai multe studii recente arată că evoluţia umană nu s-a oprit în epoca modernă. O mulţime de exemple arată că rasa umană e în continuă transformare, iar creierele nu fac excepţie. Detalii:

* Traieste cu doar o jumatate de creier!... Este cazul unei fetite din Italia in varsta de doi ani... Un caz al unei femei din China, de 39 ani, cu o viaţă absolut normală, care, în urma unor investigaţii pentru o stare de slăbiciune şi ameţeli, a aflat că are doar jumătate de creier:

duminică, 15 noiembrie 2009

Virusul gripal din Ucraina ar putea fi unul mutant, plămanii victimelor arată ca arşi

Virusul ce a provocat moartea a zeci, chiar sute de oameni in Ucraina s-ar putea să fie unul mutant, mai virulent, care atacă in special plămanii, astfel incat oamenii sunt diagnosticaţi cu pneumonie, insă autopsiile au relevat că plămanii victimelor arătau ciudat, ca şi cum ar fi fost carbonizaţi. Detalii:

* Bolnavi de cancer, vindecati in mod misterios:

Mituri despre cancer

Numarul cazurilor de cancer in tara noastra este in crestere. Miturile despre cauzele aparitiei bolii pot conduce la griji si precautii care nu sunt insa necesare si dauneaza psihicului. Detalii:

Exista si cazuri in care bolnavii de cancer s-au vindecat in mod misterios, iar medicii nu au nicio explicatie...
- FILM: Bruce Lipton - The New Biology - Where Mind and Matter Meet (Unde Mintea si Materia se Intilnesc - subtitrare in romana)...
- Efectul placebo - miracolele mintii:

sâmbătă, 14 noiembrie 2009

10 Ways Darwin Got It Wrong

This year marks the bicentennial of Charles Darwin's birthday and, coincidentally, 150 years since the publication of his book On the Origin of Species. One of the most influential books in modern history, it has helped shape philosophy, biology, sociology and religion in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. But both Darwin's theory and his book are doomed by major flaws.Full story:

* The Guardian: Charles Darwin was wrong about the tree of life... The Unknown History of Mankind... A new theory of human evolution?:

Mysterious Sun Gate ‘Time Wave’ Blacks Out South America

An interesting report circulating in the Kremlin today is claiming that the massive power blackout that hit South America this past week was due to a ‘Time Wave’ that emanated from the mysterious Bolivian Andes region called Tiahuanaco where the mysterious 10 ton “Gateway of the Sun” monolithic (carved from a single block of Andesite granite) [photo top left] is located and was ‘triggered’ by an ‘anomalous event’ at the World's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator, Large Hadron Collider (LHC) [photo 2nd left], in Switzerland run by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and ‘rippled through’ the thousands of ancient pyramid complexes located throughout Brazil and other countries of South America. Full story:

* They are Here! (in a parallel universe)... Astronauts of Antiquity... THE HOLLOW EARTH, HOLLOW MARS, UFOs AND MILITARY SECRECY:

Vaticanul critica pelicula "2012"

Ziarul oficial al Vaticanului, L'Osservatore Romano, face o cronica peliculei "2012" regizata de germanul Roland Emmerich, in care, printre alte locuri, sunt distruse Capela Sixtina si Piata Sfantul Petru, considerand ca acesta combina arheologia si istoria pentru a suscita noi temeri si a manipula. Detalii:

WIKIPEDIA - PROFETIA PAPILOR... Sfarsitul lumii vine cu urmatorul Papa:
* Cainele Domnului – Tomas de Torquemada:
* Vaticanul, NASA si Extratrestrii... FILM: Biblia si OZN-urile:

joi, 12 noiembrie 2009

Star Panel Fabrications in Popular Sky Programs

When people are looking for proof of the existence of Planet X, one of the first places they go looking is one of the popular sky programs, such as Google Sky and Microsoft WorldWide Telescope.
While these are incredibly useful tools for the common man to learn about astronomy, in terms of research they've only proven to be a source of targeted image fabrications. Full story:

* Media Response to Sony’s 2012 Movie Parrots Disinformation... Planet X Special Report:
* "Planet X confirmed" - cosmonaut and pilot Marina Popovich... Russian Television Reports on Nibiru... Pilot Cosmonaut Pavel Popovich and UFOs:

miercuri, 11 noiembrie 2009

UFO disclosure by Obama, The Pope and The UK on its way?

The White House has released a list of visitors. Topping the list is Andy Stern president of the Service Employees International with 22 visits. Second on the list is John Podesta with 17 visits who has supported efforts from the UFO research community to pressure the United States government to release files to the public that could bring light on the simmering allegations of conspiracies and cover-up of the issue. At a 2002 news conference, Podesta stated, "It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon".
Obama may now decide to join in with the Vatican and other world leaders such as France’s Nicolas Sarkozy to announce extraterrestrial presence. Full story:

Podesta influence in Obama White House extends to UFO disclosure:
* Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent... MIKHAIL GORBACHEV AND UFOs... SECRET UN MEETINGS ON ET LIFE CONTINUE... Pope's star watcher to visit Nasa (12th February 2009) and talk aliens:
* FILM: I Know What I Saw ( Full UFO Documentary )... MoD 'X-Files': UFOs made 600 visits to the UK in a single year... USA: UFOs and Obama Memorandum on Scientific Integrity... Hillary Clinton desire for UFO & extraterrestrial diplomacy... RUSSIA: Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans: