vineri, 31 iulie 2009

World's Largest Science Group Rejecting Man-Made Climate Fears

An outpouring of skeptical scientists who are members of the American Chemical Society (ACS) are revolting against the group's editor-in-chief -- with some demanding he be removed -- after an editorial appeared claiming “the science of anthropogenic climate change is becoming increasingly well established.” Full story:

* Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites - Geologist Ian Plimer takes a contrary view, arguing that man-made climate change is a con trick perpetuated by environmentalists.
Ian Plimer has outraged the ayatollahs of purist environmentalism, the Torquemadas of the doctrine of global warming, and he seems to relish the damnation they heap on him.
Plimer is a geologist, professor of mining geology at Adelaide University, and he may well be Australia's best-known and most notorious academic:
* NASA’s Latest Discovery: SUN HEATS THE EARTH (American Thincker, June 05, 2009) - Robert Calahan at NASA’s Goddard Space Center could be in big trouble -- for telling the truth. Here is a headline for an article in the Daily Tech:
"NASA Study Acknowledges Solar Cycle, Not Man, Responsible for Past Warming":
* Pentagon/NASA: Global Warming/Global Cooling... THE PENTAGON WARNS CLIMATE CHANGE WILL BRING GLOBAL CATASTROPHE... Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us... Britain will be 'Siberian' in less than 20 years:

Comets From Edge of Solar System Unlikely to Hit Earth

Some of the comets that make their way to Earth's neighborhood from the frigid outer reaches of the solar system likely follow a different route than previously thought, new modeling suggests. Full story:

* CBS News: Jupiter Hit by Large Object, NASA Says:

Coliziunea cu un nor de comete nu ar provoca dispariţia totală a vieţii

O coliziune a Terrei cu o cometă nu ar provoca dispariţia totală a formelor de viaţă, aşa cum indicau teoriile tradiţionale, potrivit unui studiu realizat de cercetătorii americani, publicat în revista Science. Detalii:

* NASA: Planeta Jupiter a fost lovita de un obiect mare:

joi, 30 iulie 2009


ZURICH – Startling new evidence indicates the S.S. Titanic was attacked and sunk in 1912 near Newfoundland by laser shots fired from an alien submarine.
“We discovered three huge holes on the starboard side of the ship below the waterline,” said noted physicist Dr. Josef Hostettler at a press conference.
“We have concluded the holes could only have been made by a laser beam fired from an underwater craft,” Hostettler added. Full story:

* Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans... The Russian navy has declassified its records of encounters with unidentified objects technologically surpassing anything humanity ever built, reports Svobodnaya Pressa news website:

Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites

Geologist Ian Plimer takes a contrary view, arguing that man-made climate change is a con trick perpetuated by environmentalists.
Ian Plimer has outraged the ayatollahs of purist environmentalism, the Torquemadas of the doctrine of global warming, and he seems to relish the damnation they heap on him.
Plimer is a geologist, professor of mining geology at Adelaide University, and he may well be Australia's best-known and most notorious academic. Full story:

* NASA’s Latest Discovery: SUN HEATS THE EARTH (American Thincker, June 05, 2009) - Robert Calahan at NASA’s Goddard Space Center could be in big trouble -- for telling the truth. Here is a headline for an article in the Daily Tech:
"NASA Study Acknowledges Solar Cycle, Not Man, Responsible for Past Warming"...
*Pentagon/NASA: Global Warming/Global Cooling... Britain will be 'Siberian' in less than 20 years:

Incalzirea globala a devenit noua religie a elitelor urbane din tarile dezvoltate - om de stiinta australian

Incalzirea globala a devenit noua religie a elitelor urbane din tarile dezvoltate, avertizeaza geologul australian Ian Plimer, care sustine ca teoria schimbarilor climatice provocate de oameni nu este decat o farsa promovata de ecologisti fundamentalisti si imbratisata interesat de clasa politica. Detalii:

* Un recent studiu NASA recunoaste ca o Cauza Externa - Soarele - nu omul, este responsabil pentru incalzirea planetei... Pentagon/NASA: Incalzire Globala/Racire Globala:

luni, 27 iulie 2009

VIDEO: Aliens caught on tape in China

Aliens caught on tape in China rapid shape changes and gone / Alien inregistrat in China - isi schimba forma si pleaca:
* 'Ghost' of Michael Jackson caught on camera pacing the corridors of Neverland... Times: Aliens 'may be living among us':

* Ziua: O fantoma filmata de un pusti de 12 ani! (VIDEO)... Fantomă, surprinsă de camerele de supraveghere ale unui mall din Chile (VIDEO)... Un inger i-a salvat viata... Ziua: Extraterestrii sunt printre noi!... CNN: Fantoma lui Michael Jackson la Neverland:

duminică, 26 iulie 2009

Comic-Con: Roland Emmerich's '2012' is 'the mother of all disaster films'

Roland Emmerich, on the other hand, destroys densely populated areas for a living. He wrecked Washington in "Independence Day." He flooded New York City into a watery grave in "The Day After Tomorrow." Now, the German director is busy laying waste to the entire planet in "2012." Full story:

* Details about Roland Emmerich's 2012 movie:
* 2012, Hollywood, The Pentagon and NASA: 'When Worlds Collide':

North Korea Warns of 'Unimaginably Deadly Blows' to U.S.

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea's defense chief vowed Sunday to deal "unimaginably deadly blows" to the United States and South Korea if they attack the communist nation amid a tense standoff over Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions. Full story:

* North Korea to be attacked; U.S. Nuclear first strike "likely":

Iranul avertizeaza ca va ataca obiective nucleare ale Israelului

Corpul Gardienilor Revolutiei, armata ideologica a regimului de la Teheran, a amenintat sambata ca Iranul va ataca instalatiile nucleare israeliene, daca Ierusalimul va ataca republica islamica, transmite Reuters. Detalii:

* Israel se pregăteşte să atace unităţile nucleare iraniene:
*Alexey Fud, clarvazator rus: "Un oras din America va fi atacat nuclear in 2009"... Clarvazatoarea Vanga: 2010 - Al Treilea Razboi Mondial... Codul lui Nostradamus: Al Treilea Razboi Mondial (2009-2012)... Biblia si Al Treilea Razboi Mondial - Imparatia de 1000 de ani:

CNN: Iran 'ready to strike at Israeli nuke facilities'

TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- The head of Iran's Revolutionary Guard said Saturday that Iran will strike Israel's nuclear facilities if the Jewish state attacks Iran, a semi-official news agency reported. Full story:

* Israeli navy in Suez Canal prepares for potential attack on Iran:
* "US to be hit by nuclear bomb in 2009" (Alexey Fud, a well-known Russian clairvoyant)... Vanga predicted break out of Third World War in 2010... The Nostradamus Code:World War III (2009-2012)... The Bible and the Third World War - the 1000 Year Kingdom:

sâmbătă, 25 iulie 2009

Conspiraţii celebre (1): Experimentul Philadelphia

Oamenii au avut întotdeauna o înclinaţie către conspiraţii, iar civilizaţia umană nu a dus lipsă de incidente neelucidate în ultima sută de ani. REALITATEA.NET vă aduce o colecţie a celor mai cunoscute şi dezbătute teorii conspiraţioniste. Primul episod vă prezintă Experimentul Philadelphia.... La data de 22 iulie, la ora 9 a.m., 1943, generatoarele de pe U.S.S. Eldridge au fost pornite şi a început să se formeze un câmp magnetic uriaş. O ceaţă verde a învăluit nava, ascunzând-o vederii. Detalii:

* Aceeasi "ceata" - anomalii magnetice, trecerea intr-o alta dimensiune - ca in Experimentul Philadelphia, apare si in Triunghiul Bermudelor, facind sa dispara avioane, nave etc.
O zona asemanatoare cu o "ceata neagra" este "Triunghiul Bermudelor" din Marea Neagra. Detalii:
* Recentele dezvaluiri (Russia Today - 21 Iulie, 2009) ale marinei ruse afirma ca multe OZN-uri apar din oceane. Grupul de cercetare a inregistrarilor datând din perioada sovietica a fost condus de catre adjunctul comandantului marinei, Amiralul Nikolay Smirnov:

German Girl With Half-Empty Skull Sees Normally Through One Eye

A 10-year-old German girl born with the left hemisphere of her brain is able to see normally through one eye.
The scans on the German girl, known as AH, showed that she had no right cerebral hemisphere which failed to develop for some inexplicable reason. A big part of her skull is just empty, computer tomography showed. However, the girl is witty, charming, and intelligent and takes part in physical activities such as roller-skating. Full story"

* Other case (November 18, 2007) is that of a 39 years old Chinese woman, living a perfectly normal life, which, following medical investigations for a general state of dizziness and weakness, found out that she had only half a brain. Two statements:
- Dr. Zhang Linhong, director of Neural Rehabilitation Department at the Wuhan hospital, said: "On the MRI scans we were surprised to see that she only has grey matter on the right side. Our usual understanding is that the left brain controls language. But this patient has no problem communicating with people."
- The woman's mother: "She graduated from high school with very good marks. Her memory is very good. She remembers phone numbers and names immediately."
* LiveScience: Single Brain Cell Can Hold a Memory:
* The "Heart-Kidneys" Theory and the Psychology of the Future:

vineri, 24 iulie 2009

Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans

The Russian navy has declassified its records of encounters with unidentified objects technologically surpassing anything humanity ever built, reports Svobodnaya Pressa news website. Full story:

* FILM: Bermuda Triangle (Triunghiul Bermudelor - subtitrare romana):
* SETKA: A SECRET SOVIET UFO RESEARCH PROGRAM... The Real KGB UFO Files... Russia, Mikhail Gorbachev and UFOs:
* Russian Scientist: UFO Crashed Into Meteorite to Save Earth:
* Russian Television Reports on Nibiru:

Buzz Aldrin comments on the "Monolith" on Mars Moon Phobos

Buzz Aldrin, the former NASA astronaut, has called for the world to press on with establishing a human settlement on Mars to offer the younger generation much-needed objectives. Full story:

* APOLLO 11 UFO... VIDEO: "I Saw Structures on the Moon":

miercuri, 22 iulie 2009

Dr. Michio Kaku: 3 types of Extraterrestrial Civilizations

- Michio Kaku on Extraterrestrial Civilizations: "How Advanced Could They Possibly Be?":
- Dr. Michio Kaku: 3 types of Extraterrestrial Civilizations:

* Michio Kaku: Is Time Travel Possible?:
* Teleportation and forcefields possible within decades, says Professor Michio Kaku:

Primitive asteroids in the main asteroid belt may have formed far from the sun

- Many of the objects found today in the asteroid belt located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter may have formed in the outermost reaches of the solar system, according to an international team of astronomers led by scientists from Southwest Research Institute (SwRI).... "Our model shows that comets are relatively easy to break up when hit by something, at least when compared to typical asteroids. It is unavoidable that some of the debris went on to land on asteroids, the Moon and the Earth. In fact, some of the leftovers may still be arriving today," says Dr. Alessandro Morbidelli of the Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur in Nice, France. Full story:
- Alessandro Morbidelli and Zecharia Sitchin:
* Jupiter Hit by Large Object - Astronomers say that the comets in the periphery of our solar system - the Kuiper Belt and the Opik - Oort Cloud - could be shaken if another star would come closer:
* Planet Gliese 581c and Planet X/Eris/Nibiru:

Life On Earth Came From Other Planets

Life on Earth came from other planets. So concludes a major scientific article which will appear in the inaugural issue of the online science journal, Cosmology.
For thousands of years scientists and theologians have debated the origins of Earthly life. Surprisingly, most scientists and the Catholic Church are of the same mind and embrace the theory of "abiogenesis" also known as the "organic soup." Full story:

* Modern Science and the Ancient Writings on the Genesis of the Solar System:
* The Genesis of the Monkey People and the Genesis of the Anunnaki People:
* The "Heart - Kidneys" Theory and the Psychology of the Future:

marți, 21 iulie 2009


ORLANDO, FL – The 40th anniversary of the first Moon landing has renewed interest in an apparent UFO sighting during the Apollo 11 mission. Full story:

* VIDEO: "I Saw Structures on the Moon" (Karl Wolfe - Wolfe worked for the Director of Intelligence at Headquarters Tactical Air Command, Technical Group. )... NASA Airbrushed UFOs - Lunar Base Towers... U.S. scientists unveil NASA’s secrets about cities on the Moon and microbes on Mars:

NASA: Planeta Jupiter a fost lovita de un obiect mare

NASA a anuntat luni ca planeta Jupiter a fost lovita de un obiect, cel mai probabil o cometa sau un asteroid. Imagini publicate de agentia spatiala americana arata "o urma" in atmosfera de langa polul sudic al planetei. Detalii:

* Marile rezervoare de comete de la periferia sistemului nostru solar - Centura Kuiper si Norul Opik - Oort - ar putea fi zgaltaite daca o alta stea ar trece prin apropierea lor, sustin astronomii.
* COTIDIANUL: Congresul SUA se teme de asteroizi - Un asteroid a trecut foarte aproape de Pamant... Congresmanul republican Dana Rohrabacher a introdus (30 ianuarie 2009) un amendament in Senatul american - HR 4917, the “NEO Preparedness Act,” - care, daca va trece, va duce la infiintarea unui Centru de monitorizare a obiectelor din vecinatatea Pamintului. Atrage atentia asupra faptului ca apropierea Planetei X, prin campul ei gravitational, va destabiliza asteroizii din apropierea Pamantului. "The Sky is Falling: the deadly threat posed by Near Earth Objects and what we can do about it" By Rep. Dana Rohrabacher :
* GARDIANUL: Planeta X, denumita Nibiru, ameninta viata de pe Terra:

Quake, tsunami potential high on U.S. west coast

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Scientists have underestimated the potential for a giant quake and tsunami that could swamp much the U.S. northwest and Canadian west coasts, British and U.S. researchers said on Monday. Full story:

* Mysterious Tremors Along San Andreas Fault... New Land is Forming in Alaska:

2012 Wisdom From the Ancients - The Kolbrin Bible

Newly Revealed Egyptian-Celtic Wisdom Text Offers the Knowledge of Those Who Survived Past Global Catastrophes — So We Can Live!... The authors of The Kolbrin Bible predict an end to life as we know it, by a celestial event. It will be the return of a massive space object, in a long elliptical orbit around our sun. Known to the Egyptians and Hebrews as the "Destroyer," the Celts later called it the “Frightener."... The Destroyer is also known today as Wormwood, Nibiru, Planet X and Nemesis. Details:

* Planet Gliese 581c and Planet X/Eris/Nibiru:

luni, 20 iulie 2009

CBS News: Jupiter Hit by Large Object, NASA Says

(AP) Astronomers say Jupiter has apparently been struck by an object, possibly a comet. Full story:

* Astronomers say that the comets in the periphery of our solar system - the Kuiper Belt and the Opik - Oort Cloud - could be shaken if another star would come closer.
* Californian Congressman for Planet X Forsight - The Sky is Falling: the deadly threat posed by Near Earth Objects and what we can do about it By Rep. Dana Rohrabacher:
* Stephen Hawking: "Asteroid Impacts Biggest Threat to Intelligent Life in the Galaxy:

Asiaticii: eclipsa de miercuri va aduce razboaie si dezastre

Astrologii indieni spun ca eclipsa totala de soare care va avea loc miercuri deasupra Asiei anunta razboaie, atentate, revolte si catastrofe naturale. Eclipsa din aceasta saptamana va fi cea mai lunga a secolului XXI. Detalii:

* Reuters: Razboaiele izbucnesc vara, cand lumea e in vacanta... Pentagon: Dacă dialogul cu Iran eşuează, SUA sau Israel vor ataca... Joe Biden: SUA nu vor sta in calea Israelului daca vrea sa atace Iranul:
* Vanga - clarvazatoare Bulgaria: al Treilea Razboi Mondial va incepe in 2010... Codul lui Nostradamus: Al Treilea Razboi Mondial (2009-2012)... Biblia si Al Treilea Razboi Mondial - Imparatia de 1000 de ani:

Space exploration volunteers wanted (The catch? It's a one-way ticket)

It is often described as "the final frontier", and not just by those who follow the adventures of Captain Kirk and the crew of the USS Enterprise. The phrase, though, may take an even more literal meaning for those exploring space in the future.
The next generation of astronauts may hurtle through the cosmos for years or decades on a mission to explore distant planets and stars – and never return. Full story:

* NASA: 'Mars Is The Planet Of Our Destiny':
* NASA eyes water in Moon mission - Institute for Human Continuity (IHC) - IHC Mission Statement: Our mission is to ensure the survival of the human race beyond 2012:

NASA va cauta voluntari pentru colonizarea spatiului

NASA ar putea recruta in curand voluntari care sa nu se mai intoarca din misiunile in spatiu. Oficialii Agentiei Spatiale Americane spun ca urmatoarea generatie de astronauti ar putea pleca zeci de ani si chiar sa nu se intoarca niciodata din misiunile pentru studierea planetelor sau a stelelor indepartate, transmite The Guardian. Detalii:

* NASA: Marte - peste 25 de ani noul nostru camin... NASA caută apă pe Lună - Institutul pentru Continuitatea Umanitatii (The IHC):

Cum sa fii fericit in 59 de secunde

Cu totii vrem sa fim fericiti. Pe langa asta vrem sa fim bogati, mai slabi, mai grasi, mai frumosi, mai blonzi, mai zambitori, dar si mai multumiti de viata noastra si de noi.
Dar pana in prezent nimeni nu a descoperit secretul fericirii si nimeni nu a brevetat inca reteta acesteia. Insa cateva sfaturi utile care va ajuta sa obtineti o mica schimbare va ofera cei de la Il Giornale. Detalii:

* La Stampa: Depresia se trateaza cu placebo... Sunatoarea mai eficace decit Prozacul... Coalitia Antipsihiatrica...
* FILM: Bruce Lipton - The New Biology - Where Mind and Matter Meet (Unde Mintea si Materia se Intilnesc - subtitrare in romana):

Descopera: Ce se afla in padurea Baciu?

In inima Ardealului, intr-o zona cu aparenta atemporala, se gaseste, probabil, cel mai misterios loc din Romania. Multa cerneala a curs pe margine subiectului padurii Hoia-Baciu, la fel cum multi pasi ai curiosilor au strabatut aceasta poarta intre lumi, in speranta surprinderii unei farame de paranormal. Unii dintre ei au avut intr-adevar parte de experiente inexplicabile care provoaca fiori reci chiar si celor curajosi. Cercetatorii nu au incotro si ridica neputinciosi din umeri, lasand loc liber celor mai diverse speculatii care inflacareaza imaginatia amatorilor de fenomene paranormale. Detalii:

* Conform Bibliei "Dumnezeu" este un plural = Elohim (In sumeriana = Anunnaki) = Locuitorii Planetei X. O parte dintre ei locuiesc printre noi in "Lumi paralele" fiind realizatorii unor fenomene paranormale / minuni (deocamdata!) din toate colturile lumii. Prezenta lor pe Pamant a fost continua de sute de mii de ani.... BIBLIA = CARTE DE STIINTA... Astronautii antichitatii... De vorba cu zeii... OZN - Dosarele Vaticanului... Navele lui Mesia... La Fatima au fost OZN-uri:
FILM (National Geographic): Extraterestrii Pe Pamant ?:
* Ciobanul Petrache Lupu a povestit că Dumnezeu i s-a arătat de mai multe ori:
* Ziua: O fantoma filmata de un pusti de 12 ani! (VIDEO):
* Fantomă, surprinsă de camerele de supraveghere ale unui mall din Chile (VIDEO)... Un inger i-a salvat viata... Ziua: Extraterestrii sunt printre noi!... CNN: Fantoma lui Michael Jackson la Neverland (Video):

Todd Leventhal, expert in teoriile conspiratiei, Departamentul de Stat - Nu exista niciun dubiu: aselenizarea a fost reala!

"Nu exista niciun fel de indoiala ca aselenizarea a fost adevarata. Avem dovezi foto si video, declaratiile multor oameni implicati in mod direct in acest efort si aproape 400 de kg de roci lunare, care sunt, in mod fundamental, diferite de pietrele de pe Pamant", sustine Todd Leventhal, care este expert in teoriile conspiratiei la Departamentul de Stat al SUA. El a explicat intr-un interviu pentru de ce aselenizarile realizate de misiunile Apollo au fost reale, cum tehnologia americanilor era cu mult inaintea tuturor si motivele pentru care explicatiile aduse de adeptii teoriilor conspiratiei nu rezista in fata dovezilor stiintifice. Detalii:

* Ascunde NASA existenta ruinelor de pe Luna?... I Saw Structures on the Moon" (Karl Wolfe)... VIDEO: NASA Airbrushed UFOs - Lunar Base Towers... NASA ascunde adevarata culoare a Planetei Marte:

duminică, 19 iulie 2009

UFO detected hovering above Area 51 army base in Nevada

Rumor has it that Area 51 is a secret American army base that was built to test state-of-the-art aircraft. The photographs made from space reveal numerous runways and hangars. Full story:

sâmbătă, 18 iulie 2009

Walter Cronkite saw UFO destroy a U.S. missile

In 1973, Walter Cronkite was working on a CBS story involving UFOs. He interviewed leading UFO researchers to find material and stories about incidents for the special. The most remarkable story however was not covered. That was Cronkite’s own UFO experience during the 1950s when covering a U.S. missile launch in the Pacific. Full story:

* Larry King presents UFO evidence, witnesses on CNN:

vineri, 17 iulie 2009

Moon landing tapes got erased, NASA admits

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The original recordings of the first humans landing on the moon 40 years ago were erased and re-used, but newly restored copies of the original broadcast look even better, NASA officials said on Thursday. Full story:

* "I Saw Structures on the Moon" (Karl Wolfe):
* U.S. scientists unveil NASA’s secrets about cities on the Moon and microbes on Mars:
* NASA HIDES THE TRUE COLOUR OF MARS... The Guardian: It's snowing on Mars... First direct evidence of lightning on Mars detected:
* NASA eyes water in Moon mission - Institute for Human Continuity (IHC)... 'Mars Is The Planet Of Our Destiny':

NASA: S-au pierdut inregistrarile originale ale aselenizarii

Inregistrarile video originale ale primei aselenizari, realizata in urma cu 40 de ani, au fost sterse iar casetele au fost refolosite pentru a se economisi bani, au declarat oficiali NASA, citati de Reuters. Agentia spatiala americana a dat insa publicitatii copii prelucrate digital ale inregistrarilor realizate in iulie 1969, despre care sustine ca "sunt mai bune decat originalele". Detalii:

* Ascunde NASA existenta ruinelor de pe Luna?:
* NASA ascunde adevarata culoare a Planetei Marte... HotNews: Apa lichida pe Marte... The Guardian (27 ianuarie 2009) - Pe Marte ninge... :
* Insciences Organisation (17 iunie 2009) - Pentru prima data au fost evidentiate descarcari electrice pe Marte:
* "I Saw Structures on the Moon" (Karl Wolfe)... VIDEO: NASA Airbrushed UFOs - Lunar Base Towers:

Gates: Iran nuclear arms worst threat to security

(AFP) - CHICAGO — Iran's nuclear ambitions are the greatest current threat to global security, according to US Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
"Iran is the one that concerns me the most because there don't seem to be good options (or a scenario) where one can have any optimism that good options will be found," Gates told the Economic Club of Chicago. Full story:

* Israeli navy in Suez Canal prepares for potential attack on Iran:
* Alexey Fud... Vanga predicted break out of Third World War in 2010... The Nostradamus Code:World War III (2009-2012)... The Bible and the Third World War - the 1000 Year Kingdom:

Robert Gates: Ambitiile nucleare ale Iranului reprezinta cea mai grava amenintare pentru securitatea mondiala

Ambitiile nucleare ale Iranului reprezinta cea mai grava amenintare pentru securitatea mondiala, a declarat joi secretarul american al Apararii, Robert Gates, citat de AFP, preluata de NewsIn. Detalii:

* Israel se pregăteşte să atace unităţile nucleare iraniene:
* Clarvazatoarea Vanga: 2010 - Al Treilea Razboi Mondial... Codul lui Nostradamus: Al Treilea Razboi Mondial (2009-2012)... Biblia si Al Treilea Razboi Mondial - Imparatia de 1000 de ani:

Alaska Blob: The Goo Mystery Deepens

Hunters HAVE discovered a weird Alaskan blob of goo near the Chukchi Sea, in northern Alaska. “Goo” is the layman’s term for an unknown substance – probably biological – that is at least a few miles square, floating in the ocean.
The U.S. Coast Guard and a team of research scientists have airlifted samples of the thick, dark “Alaskan blob” to labs all over the country. Preliminary results point to a biological origin, but it’s not algae, and it’s not oil. Full story:

* New Land is Forming in Alaska:

joi, 16 iulie 2009

Israeli navy in Suez Canal prepares for potential attack on Iran

Two Israeli missile class warships have sailed through the Suez Canal ten days after a submarine capable of launching a nuclear missile strike, in preparation for a possible attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.
The deployment into the Red Sea, confirmed by Israeli officials, was a clear signal that Israel was able to put its strike force within range of Iran at short notice. It came before long-range exercises by the Israeli air force in America later this month and the test of a missile defence shield at a US missile range in the Pacific Ocean. Full story:

* U.S. military chief says clock ticking on Iran nuke:

Israel se pregăteşte să atace unităţile nucleare iraniene

Două nave de război israeliene au navigat prin Canalul Suez, la zece zile după ce un submarin capabil de a lansa un atac nuclear, ca pregătire pentru un posibil atac contra unităţilor nucleare iraniene.
Desfăşurarea din Marea Roşie, confirmată de oficialii israelieni, este un semnal clar că Israel este capabil să atace Iranul într-un termen foarte scurt. Acestea vin cu puţin timp înainte de un exerciţiu cu "rază lungă de acţiune" a forţelor aeriene israeliene în America din această lună şi testarea unui scut antirachetă la o unitate SUA din Oceanul Pacific. Detalii:

* Pentagon: Dacă dialogul cu Iran eşuează, SUA sau Israel vor ataca:
* Vanga - clarvazatoare Bulgaria: al Treilea Razboi Mondial va incepe in 2010... Codul lui Nostradamus: Al Treilea Razboi Mondial (2009-2012)... Biblia si Al Treilea Razboi Mondial - Imparatia de 1000 de ani:

marți, 14 iulie 2009

Pentagon/NASA: Global Warming/Global Cooling


1) GLOBAL WARMING - The Cause: THE LOGICAL EXPLANATION of the warming process on Earth and on the other planets in our solar system proves to be the one provided by I. Velikovsky, in his book - Worlds in Collision - from 1950:
3600 years ago - “Two celestial bodies (The Earth and Planet X - A/N) have been attracted one to each other. The inner masses of the Earth were pushed to the periphery. The Earth, with its rotation movement disturbed, started to warm“.

Some arguments that the Global Warming Is Producing From Inside to Outside and has an Internal Cause:

a) NASA: Arctic ice thinned dramatically since 2004
WASHINGTON, July 7 (Reuters - Jul 7, 2009) - Arctic sea ice has thinned dramatically since 2004, with the older, thicker ice giving way to a younger, thinner kind that melts in the northern summer, NASA scientists reported on Tuesday.
Researchers have known for years that ice covering in the Arctic Sea has been shrinking in area, but new satellite data that measure the thickness of ice show that the volume of sea ice is declining as well:
b) Daily Galaxy (July 06, 2009) - Permafrost Melt & 500 Billion Tons of Prehistoric 'Ooze' May Rapidly Accelerate Global Warming - New research shows that the amount of carbon stored in frozen soils at high latitudes is double previous estimates and could, if emitted as carbon dioxide and methane, lead to a significant increase in global temperatures by the end of this century. The increased temperatures and permafrost melt could trigger the release of thousands of years of animal waste and other organic matter left behind on the Arctic tundra that have been sealed off from the environment by permafrost. Global warming is melting the permafrost and freeing mass quantities of prehistoric “ooze” from its state of suspended animation:
c) ScienceDaily (Feb. 5, 2009): Global Scientists Draw Attention To Threat Of Ocean Acidification: More than 150 leading marine scientists from 26 countries are calling for immediate action by policy-makers to sharply reduce CO2 emissions so as to avoid widespread and severe damage to marine ecosystems from ocean acidification. Full story:
d) Carbon emissions creating acidic oceans not seen since dinosaurs (Guardian, 10 March 2009) - Human pollution is turning the seas into acid so quickly that the coming decades will recreate conditions not seen on Earth since the time of the dinosaurs, scientists will warn today:
e) NASA’s Latest Discovery: SUN HEATS (What Sun?) THE EARTH (American Thincker, June 05, 2009) - Robert Calahan at NASA’s Goddard Space Center could be in big trouble -- for telling the truth. Here is a headline for an article in the Daily Tech:
"NASA Study Acknowledges Solar Cycle, Not Man, Responsible for Past Warming" ... NASA AND PLANET X...
f) The Warming Process on Earth and on the Other Planets in Our Solar System:
- The Neptune’s moon, Triton is warming (BBC Science & Technology News, July 25, 1999).
- Pluto experiences an extraordinary heating (Massachusetts Institute of Technology News, October 9, 2002).
- Volcanic eruption on Jupiter’s satellite Io (Icarus Astronomy , November 2002).
- The warming of Mars (ABC News, December 7, 2002).
- The warming of Saturn (January 28, 2007, scientist of the UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) – physics and astronomy department and those at the University of Boston have noticed that the temperature of the superior atmosphere of Saturn is higher that estimated. Thus, professor Allan Aylward at UCLA considers necessary the reexamination of the main hypotheses regarding the planetary atmosphere and establishing the cause of the respective heating. He also noticed a similar process on Mars, concluding: “Studying the aspects within other planetary atmospheres will help us to find out clues of the Terra’s future“….
- NASA - Mars methane discovery hints at presence of life (Telegraph, 15 Jan 2009) / (Global Warming on Mars?) - Nasa scientists have detected "plumes" of methane on Mars, possibly indicating organic activity on the Red Planet... Large quantities of the gas - which on Earth is mostly produced by living things - were recorded by three huge telescopes during a seven year study.The level of activity was so great that at times it equalled the amount of the gas released at some of the most methane-rich locations on Earth... Nasa will announce the full results of the study at a briefing in Washington today. Full story:
g) The earth's magnetic field impacts climate: Danish study - The earth's climate has been significantly affected by the planet's magnetic field, according to a Danish study published Monday that could challenge the notion that human emissions are responsible for global warming:

* Favorable factor for global warming: El Nino conditions return to affect weather - El Nino's back. Government scientists say the periodic warming of water in the tropical Pacific Ocean that can affect weather around the world has returned. Details:

2) GLOBAL COOLING: The Cause: At the end of 2003, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution showed the fact the polar seas' salinity is diminishing due to the melting of the ice fields known for their sweet water.
Herle Mercier, from the Ocean Physics Laboratory in France, also showed the connection between the passage to the ice age and the stopping of the Gulf Stream 's circulation. The ice age will begin when the ocean's currents would not transport anymore the warm water to the Polar Regions. But before that, the increasing temperatures will melt the glaciers and this will destroy the salinity:
- Global Warming and dangers of a premature Ice Age - Why is Europe warm, when Alaska is not?" asked progressive radio talk show host, Thom Hartmann. recently? As a respected author and political commentator, Hartmann posed the question to highlight the fact that parts of Alaska, Labrador and Northern Europe are at the same latitude, yet have remarkably different climates. Full story:
* THE PENTAGON and NASA have sent (directly or indirectly) warnings in this direction:

Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us
· Secret report warns of rioting and nuclear war
· Britain will be 'Siberian' in less than 20 years
· Threat to the world is greater than terrorism
b) 2012, Hollywood, The Pentagon and NASA: 'When Worlds Collide':

luni, 13 iulie 2009

Pentagon/NASA: Incalzire Globala/Racire Globala

1) INCALZIREA GLOBALA - Cauza: EXPLICATIA LOGICA a procesului de încălzire a Pământului, ca şi a celorlalte planete din sistemul nostru solar a fost furnizată de I. Velikovsky, în 1950, în lucrarea Ciocnirea Lumilor: Acum 3600 de ani - „Două corpuri cereşti (Pamantul si Planeta X - n.a) au fost atrase unul spre celălalt. Masele interioare ale Pământului au suferit o împingere spre periferie. Pământul, perturbat în mişcarea sa de rotaţie, s-a încălzit”. Citeva argumente ca incalzirea globala se produce dinspre interior spre exterior si are o Cauza Externa:
a) Calota glaciara din Oceanul Arctic s-a subtiat dramatic in ultimii cinci ani, a avertizat Agentia Spatiala Americana (NASA). Masuratorile realizate de un satelit NASA arata ca banchiza din zona nordica scade si in grosime, nu numai in suprafata, cum deja se stia de mai multi ani. Detalii:
b) Topirea permafrostului
c) Incalzirea are loc in Intregul Nostru Sistem Solar:
d) Oceanele devin acide:
e) Un recent studiu NASA recunoaste ca o Cauza Externa - Soarele - nu omul, este responsabil pentru incalzirea planetei:
Factor favorizant: Uraganul El Nino, care da peste cap vremea din intreaga lume, se intoarce si ar putea afecta clima de pe tot globul, cea mai clara dovada fiind incalzirea periodica a Oceanului Pacific, in special apele din zona tropicala. Detalii:

2) RACIREA GLOBALA - Cauza: topirea ghetarilor care contin apa dulce anuleaza salinitatea crescuta care favorizeaza deplasarea Gulfstream-ului, efectul de inghetare al zonelor mentionate fiind rapid. La sfarsitul anului 2003, Institutul Oceanografic Woods Hole a evidentiat faptul ca salinitatea marilor polare se diminueaza datorita topirii calotelor de gheata ce au apa dulce. Herle Mercier, de la Laboratorul de Fizica a Oceanelor din Franta, a evidentiat legatura dintre trecerea la era glaciara si incetarea circulatiei Gulfstrem- ului. Era glaciara va incepe cand curentii oceanici nu vor mai transporta apa calda in regiunile polare. Inainte de asa ceva, temperaturile vor creste, si vor topi ghetarii care vor distruge salinitatea. Detalii:

* PENTAGONUL si NASA au transmis (direct si indirect) avertismente in acest sens:
Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us
· Secret report warns of rioting and nuclear war
· Britain will be 'Siberian' in less than 20 years
· Threat to the world is greater than terrorism
b) 2012, Hollywood, The Pentagon and NASA: 'When Worlds Collide':